Detailed seller ratings This is a breakdown of how buyers have rated that seller in the following areas: Item description – How accurately was it described? Communication – Did the seller communicate well with their buyer? Shipping time – How quickly did the seller ship the item?
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Mar 15, 2023 · With only 103 ratings you shouldn't be blaming yourself for anything because it only takes a few buyers to lower your stars under 5.0, and some ...
Detailed seller ratings are a breakdown of how you've been rated by your buyers in the following areas: Accurate Item Description, Shipping Cost, Shipping Speed ...
eBay's rating system is based on customer feedback. Buyers are asked to rate their experience with the seller on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best. This ...
Detailed Seller Ratings give buyers the opportunity to leave detailed feedback about their experience with you as an eBay seller. The four areas that buyers ...
eBay detailed seller ratings are calculated on a scale from 1 to 5, with one being the lowest and five being the highest. Seller rating on eBay doesn't affect ...
May 15, 2021 · The main purpose of detailed seller ratings is to provide additional insight into a seller's performance. After a transaction, buyers are ...
Detailed seller ratings from www.zikanalytics.com
You can see your detailed seller rating in your seller dashboard on eBay. This part is important because your feedback rating as a result of your seller ...
eBay's Detailed Seller Ratings are based on each buyer's answers to the following questions: QUESTION: How accurate was the item description? POSSIBLE ANSWERS: ...
Mar 4, 2024 · Seller ratings (also known as detailed seller ratings or DSRs), covering four different aspects of the transaction.